About the International Union for the Study of Social Insects

The purpose of the Union is to promote and encourage the study of social insects and other social organisms in the broadest sense. Both research and the dissemination of knowledge about social insects and other social organisms through publications, educational programs, and activities are encouraged. The Union further pursues these objectives via the organization of Congresses and Symposia, publication of the journal Insectes Sociaux, and recognition of distinguished service with awards.

Constitution of the IUSSI

The latest version of the constitution of the IUSSI was approved at the international congress in Guarujá, Brazil in August 2018. It can be viewed or downloaded as a PDF document here.

The IUSSI was registered as a charity (not-for-profit organization) with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, constituted in the state of Ohio, in August 2012. The registration letter can be viewed or downloaded as a PDF document here. Tax return forms for the IUSSI can be found here for 2011 and 2012, and the details for 2012 here.

At the 2014 international congress, a financial sub-committee was established - Details of the 2014 finances and the duties of this sub-committee can be found here.

Current officers of the IUSSI

Secretary General Mark Brown
President Judith Korb
Editor-in-Chief of Insectes Sociaux Madeleine Beekman
Associate Editors of Insectes Sociaux Gabriela Camacho
Judith Korb
Maria Cristina Lorenzi
Joël Meunier
Christopher Pull
Graham Thompson
Chris Reid (Reviews Editor)
Daniela Römer (Social Media Editor)
Financial sub-committee

Heike Feldhaar
James Nieh
Simon Tierney

Archivist Chris Starr
Assistant archivist David Nash
Webmaster David Nash

You can read about the duties of the officers here

Other documents

The minutes of the latest International Committee meeting can be found here (August 2014).
Contact details of the officers of the various sections can be found here (November 2017)
The most recent report of the Secretary General can be found here (February 2024).

Previous reports and secretary general's reports since Q3 2010 can be downloaded from the links below.

  Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
2010:     IUSSI report 4.3  
2011: IUSSI report 5.1 IUSSI report 5.2 IUSSI report 5.3 IUSSI report 5.4
2012: IUSSI report 6.1 IUSSI report 6.2 IUSSI report 6.3  
2013: IUSSI report 7.1      
2014:       December 2014
2015:   July 2015   December 2015
2016:   August 2016   December 2016
2017:       December 2017
2018:     August 2018  
2019:   June 2019   December 2019
2021: February 2021     November 2021
2022: February 2022      
2023:   June 2023    
2024: February 2024      


Last updated: Monday, August 18, 2014